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Lydian Webinar : "Important judgment of the Belgian Supreme Court with major impact on international distribution agreements"

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Rarely are Belgian Supreme Court judgments so disruptive in a certain sector as the judgment of the Court of Cassation of 7 April 2023 for the distribution sector.

In its judgment, the Belgian Supreme Court ruled for the first time that the Belgian protective law on exclusive distribution agreements is no longer a “overriding mandatory provision” (in the sense of the Rome I-Regulation). This means (i) that disputes regarding international exclusive distribution agreements can be referred to arbitration by the Belgian courts (even if foreign law is applicable) and (ii), implicitly, that the Belgian courts would no longer be obligated to apply the Belgian law on exclusive distribution agreements.
In this concise flash-webinar, Jo Willems guided you through this judgment and explained its major impact on the distribution sector.
The topics discussed are: (possibility of) arbitration of international exclusive distribution agreements & validity and effectiveness of choice of court- and law clauses. Both topics focused on the situation before and after the judgment of 7 April 2023.

 👉 Did you miss our webinar? Re-watch it now:
