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Lydian Webinar "Obsolescence and property damage: twisting case law of the Belgian Supreme Court"

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On 21 March 2022, the Belgian Supreme Court rendered its latest in a series of landmark judgments on the issue of obsolescence in relation to property damage claims.

Case law and legal doctrine have for long been divided as to whether an asset’s wear and tear should be taken into account when assessing damages – be it under a contract or in tort. 

With its judgment, the Supreme Court adds a new and interesting turn to the existing case law on the matter and further fuels the debate on what full compensation for damage actually means.  

During today's webinar, Yves Lenders dealt with the principles of compensation under Belgian law, the relevance of obsolescence, the most interesting Supreme Court rulings in this regard and a final status quo. Valuable insights on how property damage claims could – or should – be assessed in practice were provided. 

Many thanks to all participants!
Please feel free to contact our speaker with any specific questions you may have.

 👉 Did you miss our webinar? Re-watch it now:
