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New registration requirement for employers in Federal Learning account

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Since the Act of 3 October 2022 on various labour provisions, employees have an individual training right. In 2024, the individual training right is 5 days for a full-time employee. 

1. What is the Federal Learning Account?

To facilitate the exercise of individual training rights, a new digital application was created: the Federal Learning Account (FLA). The Act of 20 October 2023 on the establishment and administration of the FLA came into force on 1 April 2024.

This online tool manages training credit and provides employers and employees with an overview of, amongst others, individual training rights.

2. Which data will be recorded?

The FLA will include the following data for each registered person/employee, such as:

  • The identity of the person, his working regime and the competent joint labour committee;
  • The number of training days, the number of training days attended and the number of remaining days or the number of days to be carried over to the following year;
  • The trainings taken and their relevant basic characteristics (start, end, outcome, etc.);
  • The outstanding current value of the training credit.

3. What is the role of the employer?

The duty of the employer (or the natural person or legal entity mandated by the employer) is threefold: 

  • Registering and updating the required data;
  • Verifying and, if necessary, modifying the data registered by Sigedis or the training provider;
  • Informing employees about the existence of the FLA, personal data processed, modalities of use and status of training credit, etc.

4. When should registration/verification be done?

Registration and verification of data must be done before each calendar quarter, and no later than the last day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter. 

Employees should be informed about the FLA when they enter into service and at least once a year.

5. How does registration actually take place in practice?

Employees can access the FLA at

Employers can register through the FLA's website, through a BATCH channel for a large number of registrations at once or through an API web service, where managing and sending data can be integrated into the company's IT system. 

The manual for the online application, can be found here.

6. What is the sanction for non-compliance?

Every quarter, Sigedis will draw up a list of employers who have not complied with the registration and/or information obligation. After Sigedis notifies the relevant employers, a period of regularization of 30 days applies. In the absence of regularization, the list will be transferred to the National Labour Council, the joint (sub)committees and to the Federal Public Service – Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, which will publish the list. 


TO DO: Employers have until 1 December 2024 at the latest to register the required data of their employees.  From then on, they will be obliged to register the training courses attended every quarter, to verify the data recorded by Sigedis and training providers, and to inform employees annually about the FLA. 
