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Tijdschrift voor Verzekeringen 2024 / Bulletin des Assurances

We are proud to announce that our Data Protection experts, Liese Kuyken and Bastiaan Bruyndonckx, have made a valuable contribution to the latest edition of Tijdschrift voor Verzekeringen / Bulletin des Assurances, with their article: "Grondslagen van de verwerking van gegevens: De grenzen van het gerechtvaardigd belang voor de verzekeraar" ๐Ÿ“™

The article explores the application of legitimate interest as a legal ground for processing personal data in the insurance sector. As for many other organizations, for insurers the legitimate interest is an interesting legal basis for the processing personal data, since it offers possibilities when a processing is not sufficiently related to the insurance contract, the processing is not required by law, or asking the consent is not opportune.

However, with this flexibility comes complexity. Therefore, the effective applicability of the legitimate interest legal ground remains uncertain and the perspective of the data subject must remain central. Liese Kuyken and Bastiaan Bruyndonckx carefully examine the challenges posed by this legal ground, the so-called โ€œLegitimate Interest Assessmentโ€ or โ€œLIAโ€, and the possible applications of the insurance companyโ€™s legitimate interests in practice.

๐Ÿ‘‰ The edition is available on Jura


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    Senior Associate

    Liese Kuyken

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