How to guide your company through the Coronavirus?
Rewatch the Dutch series:
WEBINAR 1: Lockdown 2.0 en verstrengde maatregelen voor ondernemingen: waar moet u als werkgever rekening mee houden? - 19 November 2020
WEBINAR 2: Evaluatie van de impact en gevolgen van COVID-19 op het Vennootschapsrecht en M&A-transacties - 1 December 2020
WEBINAR EXTRA: COVID-19 op de werkvloer: een z(t)aak voor werkgevers en verzekeraars? - 10 December 2020
WEBINAR 3: Betalen en betaling ontvangen in tijden van Covid-19: Welke remedies bieden zich aan? - 15 December 2020
WEBINAR 4: Bouwen, aanbesteden en (ver)huren onder corona: welke juridische knelpunten blijven? - 16 December 2020
WEBINAR EXTRA: COVID-19 sur le lieu de travail: l’affaire des employeurs et des assureurs? - 4 February 2021
Apart from the impact of the now widespread Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our daily personal life, companies in Belgium and around the world also face important difficulties and challenges on all levels of their day-to-day business. Find out more regarding following related topics:
- What’s the impact of the Coronavirus on your commercial contracts?
- What are five action points I need to take as an employer?
- FAQ – Practical advice for employers to deal with Coronavirus
- FAQ – Practical advice for employers to deal with Coronavirus - Update 17 March 2020
- FAQ - Practical advice for employers to deal with Coronavirus - Update 30 March 2020
- What are possible insurance questions and disputes related to Coronavirus?
- Coronavirus: some topics under public law
- What is the impact of COVID-19 on M&A transactions?
- GDPR and COVID-19 : Key Takeaways from the full EDPB Statement and the Belgian DPA’s recommendation
- Insurance regulatory update: Impact of COVID-19 on insurance regulation and supervision
- What is the impact of COVID-19 on the passing of notarial deeds?
- What is the impact of COVID-19 on the passing of notarial deeds? Update of our E-flash of 24 March 2020
- Corona crisis: tax exemption for depreciations on trade receivables
- How to organise meetings of the shareholders and the board of directors in times of social distancing?
- What are the roles and duties of directors in the context of COVID-19 ?
- How to be prepared for a possible inspection by the Inspection Health at work?
- How to manage (new) contractual relationships during the outbreak of the coronavirus?
- What could stop the on-line sales of illegal goods in times of COVID-19? Certainly not the ECJ decision in Amazon / Coty
- Access to justice during the Coronavirus
- On which three measures the Group of 10 has reached agreement?
- Digital tools for combating covid-19: how to develop and use contact-tracing apps lawfully?
- Covid-19: Suspension of the social elections of 2020 regulated by law
- Which activation measures for employment in critical industries?
- E-zine: “Cease fire – temporary moratorium on bankruptcies and enforcement measures”
- Supplementary pensions and collective insurances: how the continued accrual of rights and payment of contributions for employees in temporary unemployment is regulated?
- COVID-19: what are the flexibility measures for IORPs?
- E-flash: “Cease fire extended – moratorium on bankruptcies and enforcement measures until at least 17 june 2020”
- Does the Coronavirus also cause a flare-up of class actions in Belgium?
- Suspension of notice period during Corona temporary unemployment
- Returning from green, orange or red: what should/can I do as an employer?
- COVID-19 measures extended until 1 March 2021
- Extended competences for occupational doctors in the fight against COVID-19 lead to additional obligations for employers
- Can an employer oblige his employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or demand a vaccination certificate as a condition to work?
- CBA n° 149: a legal framework for COVID-19 telehomework in the private sector
Rewatch our Webinar 'Coronavirus Q&A' (in Dutch) of 19 March 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Coronavirus Questions & Réponse' (in French) of 26 March 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Back to work na de lockdown: aandachtspunten voor HR' (in Dutch) of 7 May 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Insurance COVID-19 / Next steps' (in Dutch) of 2 June 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Marketing and GDPR in the New Decade' (in Dutch and French) of 4 June 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Insurance Webinar COVID-19 / Prochaines étapes' (in French) of 18 June 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Insurance Webinar Legal 500' of 2 July 2020
Rewatch our Webinar - FIT - 'De impact van COVID-19: lessons learned' (in Dutch) of 6 July 2020
Rewatch our Webinar 'Impact of the Schrems II decision' of 23 July 2020
Our dedicated Lydian team is ready to assist you with any questions you might have regarding the impact of the Coronavirus on your daily business.
Contact us with all your questions on